Thursday, May 9, 2019

What The Heck

Yesterday was the one year anniversary of my mastectomy.  Last year I was hopped up on pain meds, thankful that my tumor wasn't an aggressive cancer.  So what did I do to celebrate?  I had two teeth removed.  Once again I was hopped up on pain meds.   I really know how to party, let me tell you.

It's amazing how much damage my health issues, stacked with stress, have caused to my mouth.  GERD/reflux destroyed my back teeth.  Sadly, I've had some crappy dentists, so they always took a "wait and see" approach.  That doesn't exactly work with teeth.  There is no healing going to happen where cavities are concerned.  I imagine there is no money in fixing things early on.  So now I again try to fix it.  It's great that they can actually save a lot of my teeth.  I thought I would lose a lot more than two.  Next week starts extensive fillings.  Again, good times.  Hopefully I'll be able to eat one day. 

The 15 and 13 year olds are going to be in a summer production of The Music Man.  They are very excited about it.  Especially since it's also an acting workshop.  They'll learn how to do auditions in a better way.  With luck it will help them to get actual parts in future productions.  If nothing else, they get to hang with some friends.

What are your summer plans?  I need ideas of things to do with the kids.  Preferably nothing too expensive.  Give me some ideas!

Have a great Thursday!

So Not Okay

I've always heard peoe talking about somethibg hurting so bad that they throw up from it.  The thought if that level of pain freaked me ...