Friday, January 10, 2020

Good News, Same News

No iron this round!  Yay!  Seriously. I still have lumps in my veins from the last infusion.  I do have to keep going back every 3 months.  That's fine.  I'm hoping eventually my body will stop trying to kill me.  

I still hurt, but the level is down considerably.  The desire to jump up and down and get excited is there, but I'd probably hurt myself in the process.  Creating more pain would be a very bad idea.  So in my gead I'm celebrating.  On the outside I can't help but wonder how long it will last.

We are in for rain, wind, snow, cold temps, warm temps, junk weather.  Maybe.  They don't realky know, and that scares me just a little bit.  Don't weather people enjoy throwing out some sort of prediction?  What's up with keeping it close?  Or is it the Apocalypse?  And me without plans.  LoL. Hopefully whatever it does is short lived.  Heck, send half of it to Australia.  They need the rain. 

Anybody else still have their Christmas tree up?  We generally wait until January 6, and then the week got in the way.  Part of my issue is where to put it.  I really don't have any room for it.  The tree does need to come down, though.  It's pathetic, I'm aware 

I'm so tired, but I don't want to lie down.  I'd like to stay up all day.  That usually foesn't work out, but I would like to at least try.  As long as there is no falling asleep while driving, we're good, right?

Enjoy your Friday!  Don't float away, or blow away, or get iced over, or any other weirdness like that.  Stay safe, make some memories!

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So Not Okay

I've always heard peoe talking about somethibg hurting so bad that they throw up from it.  The thought if that level of pain freaked me ...