Thursday, March 28, 2019


Have you ever blinked and several months went POOF?  Yeah, that happened to me.  I swear it was something like November just last week.  While I'm happy to be done with the winter of discontent, I'm a little bummed that it all sped by so quickly.  I'm not thrilled with the thought that I'm losing time like crazy.  When I was (much) younger it all seemed to drag.  I never believed anybody that said that when I got older, it would get speedy.  Believe it.  Seriously, they are not kidding.  Not even a little bit.  So weird.  It just makes me feel like I'm not quite living my life.  Like I'm missing chunks of it, and I don't enjoy that at all.

I also think I'm writing a blog that nobody will see.  Are you all out there?  Let me know!  I know that I have vanished in the past.  Sorry about that.  I'm feeling this need to get back to my writing.  Even if it is my weird ramblings.  I know that watching a train wreck is almost irresistible.  Well, hold on to your hats!  I'm a living train wreck.  Okay, that isn't quite true, but I do tend to see some weird and unusual stuff.  Let's discuss that. 

All this to say that I'm back to the blog.  Writing is a wonderful thing, and I enjoy it.  Let's see if I can make this worth your while.

We are theatre people in my household.  That is to say, we enjoy being in plays.  I did it in grade and high school.  My adult years have not really panned out time wise for it.  I hope to change that soon.  My children, however, are all about being on the stage.  That being said, every year they participate in their school spring musical.  It's a huge deal, and really well done (think community theatre only done by grade school kids).  We just finished with this years production, and I'm tapped.  Seriously, It wipes me out, and yet I go back for more.  There are daily practices for the kids, but I do makeup for this motley crew.  So much fun is had, though.  Do any of you do anything like that?  What are the current plays that everybody seems to be doing?  I'm trying to guess what they might do next year (Frozen has already been vetoed).  I have no clue what everybody else is even doing, though.  Can't wait to see!

Fish fry tomorrow!  Our church does it up really well.  They have more than just fish, too.  I always get the fried butterfly shrimp.  So good.  The kids like the cheese pizza.  My 14 year old liked to get frog legs, but they haven't offered it a couple of years.  She's bummed.  Anyway, it's worth going, even if it is a giant pain to get through.  A multitude of hungry people in a small space.  They also rent out a bouncy castle for the littles.  Pandemonium!  Still a good time.

Let's see, what else.  I think that might be it for right now.  If you can imagine.  I'm still buying lottery tickets.  I WILL win that multi million dollar pot.  (No worries, I only buy at most two tickets).  Anybody else gonna get rich?

Well, I'd love to know that you are still reading.  Comment me a note!

Have a good one!

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So Not Okay

I've always heard peoe talking about somethibg hurting so bad that they throw up from it.  The thought if that level of pain freaked me ...