Saturday, August 17, 2019

Time Got Away

I'm a bad blogger.  I have every intention of posting on the regular.  What happens after I tell myself that is beyond me.  You'd think it would be an easy thing.  Especially since I enjoy talking to myself, which is what a blog is.  So here I am, trying again.  There will be no promises this time, but I will try.  Not that I think anybody is actually reading this, but you never can tell.  Put a comment if you are, though.  I'd love to hear from you!

Summer went by way fast.  As in I was just making plans to do something, and realized that school starts on Monday.  What the hell?  My teens were involved in summer theater, and that made the entire months of June and July slip by.  We also moved, so that messed with the timeline.  By the time I had a chance to catch my breath it was August!  I slept in for the first time this summer just two weeks ago.  That is NOT okay.  Now I have to get up at the ass crack because I have to drive my kids to school.  Oy.

I made the choice to seriously step out of my comfort zone.  Not that I don't get forced to do that all of the time, but this time I made the effort.  Two things changed. 

    One:  We lived in the ghetto.  Seriously.  I'm not even kidding when I say there were shootings in my neighborhood, often behind my home, at least three times a week.  We lived in constant high alert.  I started having panic attacks.  The problem is that it was familiar.  I hate moving, and at least this was an evil that I knew.  The panic was too much, and I found us an apartment in a safe area.  My only issue was that rent was much higher, and I was adding utility bills (those had been covered before).  I wasn't sure how this would pan out, but it did.  Even with my lower income and working for myself.  Add that I didn't work even half of last year because of health.  I still was approved and we left the Bluff.  I sleep pretty deep at night.  It's glorious.

    Two:  I want/need to bring in more income.  I need a place to do massage that is safe.  I could do it out of my home, but I don't want strangers around my kids.  Plus, it's my happy place.  I don't really want to mix work and home like that.  I could travel out to my clients homes.  A lot of therapists do this.  It's legit, but it's not that safe.  You have to be very picky about it.  I can't control the environment at someone else's place.  Pets, setup space, etc.  I'm not fond of the idea. 

             Well, a friend of mine told me about a space in the mall that rents out desks, conference rooms, and the like.  I finally went in and talked to the lady that owns it.  She's got perfect places for me to rent for a good price.  I'm really excited about this.  This could be a total game changer for me.  My first goal is to not need any of my child support to live.  Eventually that will go away, and I don't want to need it.  Second, I'd like to be able to save money for fun things.  To do either of these goals, I need more income.  This step should totally get me to that place.  Yay for goals, and yay for pushing myself to actually do it.  I'm actually pretty excited about this part of my future.

That's the latest scoop on me.  School starts for the kids on Monday, and I am unprepared.  We have everything but shoes for the 13 year old.  To be fair, she kept saying she had shoes.  She can't find them.  We need lunch stuff for the 15 year old since her school doesn't have meals.  Uniforms are bought, school supplies are bought.  We actually are ready.  I don't want to get up at 6:30!  Nooooooo.  Eh, I'll live.

Your turn to tell me what's up in your world!

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So Not Okay

I've always heard peoe talking about somethibg hurting so bad that they throw up from it.  The thought if that level of pain freaked me ...