Friday, January 10, 2020


New day, new set of things to think on.  As I've discussed before, I deal with some rather nasty pain in the daily.  Today was no different.  Went to mass this morning, like I do every Thursday.  Prayed like a crazy person for healing/relief/anything that would get rid of, or at least limit, this horrid pain.  I mean, at about 10 months of this, I'm done.  I don't know how some people deal with it.

Anyway, I left mass and headed to work.  Ibuprofen was on the menu.  I know, I know, but if I don't work, I don't get paid.  I have kids.  Well, I took a lot of ibuprofen this morning.  More than is recommended, though not the amount they might give you in the hospital.  Anyway, eventually the pain started to go away.  Oddly (though I'm just trying to go with it because I'll cry if it changes) breathing doesn't hurt.  My back doesn't hurt.  My shoulder and hand don't hurt.  Ache, yes.  I get that.  I worked today.  I took that ibuprofen at 9:30 this morning.  It's 12:30 am right now.  Should be out if my system.  If the pain stays away I'll be beyond excited.

So let me ask you, was it prayer?  Maybe the ibuprofen triggered something?  Luck?  Did my pain run it's course?  Do I care at this point?  The answer to that last one is no.  I will thank God because I am a believer.  No matter what the reasoning, it was in His plan.  I just hope that it's gone for good.

Tomorrow (today, really.  It is after midnight) I go see my blood guy.  Not sure what may or may not be going on with my iron, but I'll know tomorrow.  I've been getting iron i fusions for over a year.  You'd think they'd try to figure out why my stores of iron keep tanking.  Nope.  They keep insisting that I'm bleeding from somewhere (I'm not.  I've been scoped from one end to the other). Thank goodness for the infusions.  Wish they actually made me feel better. 

I'm still very down about life right now.  I'm exhausted.  I've been in constant pain.  Nobody listens to me when I say something is wrong.  I'm just beyond worn out.  Maybe tomorrow will be better.

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So Not Okay

I've always heard peoe talking about somethibg hurting so bad that they throw up from it.  The thought if that level of pain freaked me ...