Wednesday, September 26, 2018


It's perfect outside.  About 50 F, clear sky, beautiful.  I love sweatshirt/flannel weather.  This is my jam, I swear.  Any colder than this and I'll complain, but this is clearly what I need.  Fall is the best. 

Everybody keeps talking about the colds/flu that they are seeing going through the schools.  I've heard that it's supposed to be a nasty year for it.  With that in mind, I went and bought a white sage smudge stick.  The last time I was smudged I had a bad reaction.  It was an instant migraine.  Migraines are the worst for me.  I've been getting them since I was 12, and I would rather not induce one if at all possible.  That being said, I also dislike the flu, and things that resemble the flu.  Sage smudging is supposed to get rid of the germs.

The smudge did not give me a headache, which actually shocked me.  Usually anything like that will.  The smell didn't linger all that long, but you could still smell something several hours later.  The quality of sleep that everybody is getting is worth the cost of the smudge stick.  Seriously, who knew that it would help us all sleep?  I honestly can't say if it's working on the germs, but the smell of teenage feet is gone, and again with the sleep thing.  Yeah, I'll be getting more.  Nicely, you can reuse the stick over and over, so it is price savvy. 

Went to my older teens high school for a parent thing last night.  That was fun.  Her high school rocks, let me tell you.  It's a classical education set up, and it really is working for us.  There are only about 16 kids in the entire school at the moment, but it is so amazing that I don't even care.  She loves it, too.  Seriously, how many teens love their high school?  Hopefully this continues, because this place is an answer to our prayers.  I'll have to write up something about this place.  It's amazing.

For the past month or so the city has been working on my street.  First they redid the water pipes leading to all of the houses.  Now it looks as if they are redoing the sidewalks, only they aren't.  It's the street next to the sidewalks?  All I know is that the sound of them digging up the concrete is awful.  It makes my entire body hurt.  I will be so happy when they are done.  Beep, beep, beep.  Shut up!

I'm still healing, so I may just go take a nap.  Not like I need it.  Slept for 9 hours last night.  Crazy.  I'm going to say that three surgeries for this year has been more than my body wanted to bounce back quickly from, so maybe the nap is needed.  I've got nothing else going on, so I may as well!

Have a great day, and remember to be thankful for something!

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So Not Okay

I've always heard peoe talking about somethibg hurting so bad that they throw up from it.  The thought if that level of pain freaked me ...