Saturday, September 29, 2018

So Very Tired

Yeah, I took a couple of days.  Nothing was really going on, and I was so sleepy.  There was nothing of value to add here, therefore I didn't.  Not that this post is magic, or anything.

Fall has really set in for the weekend.  I heard it was going to be in the 80s next week, so that should mess with me.  Allergies are driving us all nuts.  What do you use for them?  We have tried pretty much every single over the counter allergy medication they sell with no luck.  I feel bad for Aidan, because she seems really, really miserable most of the time.  I guess I should see if her insurance does allergy testing.  I don't think it does, but you never know.

Sarah got her new glasses today.  She was so excited because this year they are purple.  I don't know how she doesn't go crazy with how huge the stems are, though.  My thin little stems make me nuts because I can see them out of the corner of my eye.  The ones she has are as wide as my thumb!

All of this devoted time to 1st Tech team better pan out.  Yes older child, I'm glaring at YOU!  Actually, I'm not.  The fact that Sophia has managed to find a club that she enjoys is awesome.  She's one of the drivers for her team robot, so that's cool.  Maybe she'll defuse bombs for the military.  Probably just put myself on some watch list, but whatever.  (Hey FBI guy, I would like some apple cider donuts.  Just so you know.)  I like that she's doing some STEM stuff.  I think she just like robots.

Who goes to the farmers market to get freaking popcorn?  Well, that would be my children.  At $1 a bag, I didn't see a problem with it.  Local grown popcorn kernels.  They can't wait to pop it.  What is it with kids and being hypnotized by the pop of the corn?  Hmmmm, popcorn.

Best places to find a life partner that isn't something like Tinder - GO!  Seriously, it should not be this hard.  I know people that find others with zero issues.  Granted, they usually aren't for life, but at this point I'm not being picky.  All I ever wanted was a real family.  I've got the kids, the life partner, not so much.  If you know anybody, or have any ideas, hit me up.  Help a gal out, would you?  I'm not that picky.  Wait, maybe?  I dunno, we'll see.

If anything actually, you know, happens today, I'll add more later.  Or not.  You'll have to check back to see!  Have a great day.

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So Not Okay

I've always heard peoe talking about somethibg hurting so bad that they throw up from it.  The thought if that level of pain freaked me ...