Thursday, October 4, 2018


I had promised Dad a roast dinner.  Totally forgot about it until I went to pick up the high school kid.  Oops.  I ended up making a mess of chicken noodle soup.  It warms up well, and it feeds the masses.  Roast will be Thursday dinner.  I have a feeling that if I forget again, I could possibly lose my life over it.  So many disgruntled family members.  At least I know that they'll eat it.

So FEMA tested the emergency alert system that President Obama put into place in like 2012.  There were so many butt hurt people on my facebook feed about it.  The only reason that they are bent is because it was listed as President Trump's alert.  The alert didn't come from him, nor would it ever.  It's for natural disasters, and I assume things like air raids and whatnot.  You would think the world came to an end.  I would take people who really, really dislike him a lot more seriously if they didn't act like complete fools about every freaking thing.  It's an alert system, people.  Deal with it.

This weather is so bipolar.  It was 90 degrees today.  Actually, it was pretty nice.  The humidity was low.  Windy as all get out, but not too bad over all.  Tomorrow is supposed to be a high of like 60.  Then, over the next week, it's going to creep back up.  What the heck?  I have this deep in the pit feeling that this is a precursor to a horrid winter.  I hate winter here.  It's sooooo bitterly cold.  I lived in Colorado for two years and it wasn't anywhere near this.  Hmmm, maybe it's time to move back to Colorado.

I'm feeling sorry for myself today.  Shocking, I know.  I hate the loneliness.  I hate having nobody to hash things out with.  I hate single parenting.  It's stupid how some people always have somebody in their lives, and I can't even find one.  What the heck?  It's pathetic, and I hate it.  It could be worse, right?  No, no it couldn't.  Don't negate how I feel with that crap.  If you still feel that way, you try it.  I'll give you my life, as it is lived by me, and let you give it a go.  Four months at least, but I won't tell you when it will end because there is no seeing an end to it.  That way you can really anticipate everything properly.  Let's see if you still want to tell me my feelings don't count because somebody has it worse, or it could be worse.  For me, no it can't.

Anybody else watch Ancient Aliens?  I just can't help but wonder.  Some of the things that they talk about are so out there, but some things make so much sense.  I can't tell if I believe it or not.  What are your thoughts? 

Okay everybody, that's it for now.  Have a great night (or what's left of it) and do something amazing!

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So Not Okay

I've always heard peoe talking about somethibg hurting so bad that they throw up from it.  The thought if that level of pain freaked me ...